Monday, December 5, 2011

My 3 (Ridiculous) Fears

Fears were always my thing. In addition of being shy, I had fears, commonly associated with basic everyday lives. I was always forced to face them, and to this day I still feel anxiety course through my body when I come to these fears.
These fears aren't like things you would UNDERSTAND, like snakes, heights, or maybe spiders. I just have a mild fear of those, like any average person. No, the things that you will see here today in this post are more funny than bendy napkins or backwards tape, and may dub me a ridiculous coward. 

1. Toilets (loud toilets, automatic toilets, etc.)
I have a fear for toilets. No, that does not mean I pee in my own backyard because I'm scared to flush the bathroom toilet. I'm just a little nervous with facing loud toilets. The sound of rushing water just rings in my ear, and I think of scenarios where my glasses could be sucked in, my shoes, my hair, or even myself. Oh, and automatic toilets. I had bad experiences with them, when I'm sitting on the toilet, and it flushes. I'm not even done. It scares me, because I'm just using the restroom, and the toilet starts roaring. Even for toilets that flush when I get off. I still rush to throw the toilet paper in the toilet, like it was some kind of race, and the toilet would quickly suck it up like a black hole. And I have fears for black holes.

2. Escalators (especially tall ones)
Escalators remind me of being carried to whatever death laid ahead of me (and behind me). Oh, I do fine with the kiddie-length escalators that are like, six-feet long. The ones that make me gulp are their super long, tall ones. When on an escalator, I have to restrain myself from looking back and watching the ground shrink, and I have flashbacks of me tripping on an escalator and bouncing all the way down, and my hand gets sucked at the bottom. That reminds me of when I went to Ikea once with a little card from that play place, and I dropped it at the near bottom, screaming, "My lady-bug card!" and snatching it up before it got sucked by the escalator. 

3. Airplanes
This may not seem so stupid at first, but its the fact that I'm ALWAYS paranoid on airplanes. Like, the time I went on a plane heading for Atlanta from Jacksonville, FL, I was giving people weird looks, thinking in my head, "That person could be a terrorist trying to hijack this plane! Or THAT person could be a terrorist! AAAHHH!!" Really, that's how paranoid I am. I don't relax until we land, all the way through the ride, thinking, "There might be turbulence in the air! The airplane could be tilting! We could crash, or someone didn't put enough fuel in the plane, and we could be running out right now! Or there might be something wrong with the fuel tank, and the plane might explode! What if we have to do an emergency landing? I can't swim that well..." But you get the idea.

Yep, you can now laugh and ridicule me. I think you get the point.


  1. I had a fear of crowds.... but thanks to my great friends, I was able to overcome it!

  2. NOT!
    You guys offered absolutely NO support whatsoever!

  3. You know what Clarissa does at pep rallies?
    She snuggles up to me, bludgeons me with various limbs, and says "CROWD CROWD CROWD"
